Sunday, March 27, 2011

The third American war in the Middle East is more than a shooting war. Who is winning the PR battle may be more important than the actual body count in the field. It sure was the case in Viet Nam where American forces won every battlefield engagement, but lost the PR war thanks to the main stream media who was against the war.

But, I see an interesting pattern developing on the coverage of the war in Libya that I’ll speak to after you read this report.


I find it very interesting how the Obama lovin’ media is really quick to report successes of coalition forces in Libya. Do you recall that kind of reporting when the U.S. first went into Iraq? Let me save you some brain cells.

Hell no!

Even before American forces were fully deployed in Iraq, the media was quick to cry out “quagmire!”

Have you noticed how the media has forgotten how to say the word, quagmire, since Barack Obama has become president and the U.S. is still stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for over eight years?

I’m very skeptical of reports coming out of Libya, not because our forces aren’t capable, but because the media has a vested interested only to report Charlie Sheen like “winning” when indications are that this conflict can be just as protracted as the wars we’re already engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Maybe even more so!



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